Aiding with Disease Reversal
Reversing Disease & Regaining Your Health
Illness effects not only the patient but the entire family. Utilizing a straightforward nutritional approach to health & healing is often difficult for the patient to explain. We help the family understand the basics of a nutritional approach to healing. We work with you to educate your family and your doctors just what a Plant Based Lifestyle is all about. It does not interfere with your current/planned medical treatments; it can only help them be more effective.
In many cases we have experienced and seen full reversal of many illnesses, elimination of medication/drugs and ongoing treatments. You may save not only your life but you will save countless dollar$ no longer needed for drugs/medications. The major side effect is more energy, better vitality, health and longevity!
Reversing disease is a much more arduous task than that needed for prevention. Once a disease has established a foothold in your body/mind, it can be difficult to stop and then reverse. Be prepared for some hard work if you want to stop the progress and then reverse your illness. Our program is individualized to each person. Each patient is at a different stage of a disease; often multiple diseases. Once the body is sick and the immune system weakened or destroyed, you are wide open to any attack by numerous diseases.
Many cancer patients do NOT die of cancer; they die of 'complications' or pneumonia or other disease that attacks while they are in a weakened state from various 'treatment protocols' that have messed with the Natural immune system. After all, you are sick because your immune system failed!
Steps To Halt and Reverse Disease
Attempt to determine what may have CAUSED your disease!
When you catch a cold or the flu, does your doctor ever try to determine WHY you got sick? Same with cancer, heart disease, diabetes 2 and the rest. Physicians and the medical industry seldom if EVER ask or attempt to determine the reason you are sick and work to remediate the CAUSE. No, they usually just treat the symptom; never understanding the WHY you got sick in the first place.
WE try to identify the CAUSE of the disease and determine WHY you are sick. No, we are NOT physicians, medical specialists or part of the traditional medical industry. To be honest, it really isn't too difficult. Most lifestyle diseases are due to a compromised immune system that in turn was impacted by lifestyle choices. Diet, stress, work/life balance can all contribute to reduce your natural ability to fight disease. THAT is what must be addressed FIRST.
Cleansing your Body
You may be on many medications or have been given treatments that have further compromised your immune system. We do NOT attempt to interfere with any of your existing treatments, drug therapies or other traditional medical practices. Instead we work WITH your current situation and work to counteract some of the detrimental effects that your current treatment(s) are having on your immune system.
Cleansing your body and rebuilding your immune system, gut bacteria and your mental outlook is KEY to stoping the progression and reversing disease. Your Body/Mind connection is critical to healing. To accomplish this we develop a personalized program to cleanse the body and to help develop a positive mental attitude towards healing.
WHOLE FOOD is central to our practice as it impacts everything you do. Exercise, even modest exercise, can help cleanse toxins from you body. We typically will recommend a period of 'Extreme Juicing' to begin the cleansing process. In tandem with this, we usually recommend a light exercise program of walking or yoga and meditation. Massage therapy is also a key component in moving toxins out of your body. We employ our Health & Wellness partners to offer these services that work best with your availability and stage of wellness.
The Healing Process
As the body, mind, soul begins the cleansing process, we begin to educate you on selection of better lifestyle choices. FOOD selection and preparation is a KEY component in healing and continued health. NUTRITION is the key and most Americans are in deep trouble in this area and is MOST often the root cause of many diseases. Poor Nutrition weakens the natural immune system, allowing disease to take hold. Correcting this factor impacts the root CAUSE of your disease to work to prevent recurrence after your treatment protocols are complete.
We will develop a nutritional program of meal planning, pantry rebuilding and ongoing Lifestyle Practices for you to move forward and adopt into your daily lifestyle. This is NOT A DIET! It is a Lifestyle Change to put you on your path to Continued Health & Wellness!
Our Nutritional/Lifestyle program focuses on simple, inexpensive but NUTRITIOUS FOOD and meals that are Delicious as well as nutritious. We will teach you how to cook if needed. Many people never learned or have forgotten how to prepare their own meals. At the core of our program(s) is the avoidance of poor nutrition choices that may have contributed to your disease.
Remember, your Health is your WEALTH; so spend it wisely!
90-Day Program Details
This 90-day program is a series of counseling sessions that start with basic lifestyle education, training and living adjustments. You will learn how to actually LIVE a healthier lifestyle, purging the bad and embracing the excellent. At the end of this program, you will not only be living a healthier lifestyle but may indeed regain a healthy weight, re-align your energy levels, improve your blood work (lower cholesterol, blood pressure and lower triglycerides).
The program consists of two different levels of intensity; all depending on your current medical and lifestyle situation and supported by medical analysis and counseling preliminary interviews.
We will spend between 35 and 45 HOURS with you personally to help you understand and achieve a healthier lifestyle! We will visit with you (either skype/phone/in-person) depending on your location and be available for questions and support.
Nutritional Survey and Dietary Review
This will consist of a one-on-one personal interview by a Lifestyle Coach supported by a Plant Based Nutritional Chef certified in Plant Based Nutrition.
Your current dietary style will be reviewed, your common meal components and other dietary food intake will be documented. Basically, a review of your common/current food choices, quantity and frequency of your eating patterns.
We will cover your food choices:
Your current food budget, including snacks and treats.
Your dining patterns – how frequently you eat.
How often you dine at restaurants.
Restaurants of choice
How frequently and which fast food establishments you frequent.
We will cover your current Lifestyle:
How often and what type of exercise
Indoor and Outdoor Activities
Work Environment
Home Environment
Friends and Relationships
Spousal Relationships – specifically household member health conditions
Stress levels – as determined by home and work environments
Entertainment Choices
Once this assessment is completed we will prepare a proposed Lifestyle and dietary/meal program that will work best with your medical profile, previously established. Because each individual is different, medically, physically, emotionally and lifestyle, each person will be provided an individualized program to follow.
How We Will Proceed
We will ask you to maintain a dietary log. This would include Anything you eat/consume. This would be kept for the duration of our 90-day program and we would expect a due diligence level of accuracy. We will suggest different ways/methods of maintaining this dietary log. We suggest a smart phone application from FOODUCATE that will also provide nutritional information that will aid you in better food/nutritional food choices, but a notebook is fine too. Training will be provided.
Each week we will schedule consultation, either in person or by phone, with the lifestyle counselor to assess your progress and compliance with the suggested metabolic and nutritional program.
Additional medical analysis and tests may be suggested in accordance with best practices and as called for by due diligence to monitor health and metabolic levels.
Food & Menu Planning
Based on the Nutritional Survey and Dietary Review, a specific dietary plan will be recommended. We will offer meal plans and suggest food selections based upon your existing eating patterns but ones that will adjust your food intake and replace the unhealthier choices with ones that will encourage both weight loss as well as health improvement.
Depending on your specific medical situation some food choices will be emphasized to work best with your current treatment regime. When a person is ill and possibly undergoing traditional medical procedures, the natural immune system is impacted negatively. We will encourage you to eat selected food groups to help restore/rebuild your immune system. We will also focus on your body's PH balance to restore it to a natural alkalinity that is often disrupted by some medical protocols and a poor dietary regime.
Remember Food IS Medicine too!
Exercise Program
An exercise program will be recommended. This program will be aligned with your current abilities and capabilities and designed to NOT over-stress your physical ability. It may gradually increase in intensity and duration depending upon your progress.
Typically, the exercise will focus on movement, not necessarily on high impact activities. Simple fast paced walking is what is most beneficial but other forms of exercise may be suggested to support skeletal strength and muscle maintenance. Yoga, Tai Chi or other moderate programs can be recommended based upon your home location and ability to attend the sessions. We work closely with local health & fitness studios and may recommend one or more for your consideration.
No Gym memberships are required, although this may be helpful to join a more structured exercise regime. In some cases, massage therapy may be recommended to help detoxify and promote lymphatic drainage; a key component in overall health.
These exercise programs and suggestions are optional and may incur additional costs to you. If you are considered a ‘Senior Citizen’ you may be eligible for the Silver Sneakers programs offered at many of the Gyms around the Orlando Area.
Basic and Advanced Program Details
Everyone is different and require varying levels of support with any medical and lifestyle program. We offer these two levels to be more supportive to those who desire more personalized contact and support. For some, specific dietary foods may be suggested to offer meal replacement alternatives, quick meal preparation and healthier snack alternatives.
Both Basic and Advanced programs include a copy of “Restoring America’s Health” by Chef Nancy Stein.
Basic Dietary Lifestyle Program
This program includes a series of counseling sessions that start with basic lifestyle education, training and living adjustments. You will learn how to actually LIVE a healthier lifestyle, purging the bad and embracing the excellent. At the end our this program, you will not only be living a healthier lifestyle but may indeed loose significant weight, re-align your energy levels, improve your blood work (lower cholesterol, blood pressure and lower triglycerides).
You will learn healthily living practices that will last the rest of your life. You should have more energy, better mental acuity, and in general, be a happier, healthier person.
Premium Dietary Lifestyle Program
In some cases, more assistance and support is needed for many combating a more severe medical issue. For those we offer additional support services, training and consultation. Because this program is focused upon Health and Food Choices, it may be daunting to many who have relied on fast food for their daily meals. That must change and to do that, you must begin to prepare your own meals at home.
If you don’t cook or even don’t know how to cook, this can be a difficult situation, but we hope to make things easier. We will provide actual hands-on cooking classes and instruction by a professional Plant Based Nutrition Certified Chef. You will learn simple techniques and skills that will enable you to prepare healthier and more nutritious meals for the rest of your life.
You will receive:
You will learn healthily living practices that will last the rest of your life. You will have more energy, better mental acuity, and in general, be a happier, healthier person.
In addition, for those who really need more hand-holding, we offer an on-call service to those who need additional help with meal preparation. While the menu/meal plan will provide recipes, many just have additional questions. We will provide you a ‘hot line’ to our professional chef. You will be able to make one call per day for help/assistance for meal preparation up to 7pm each day for the duration of the program or an additional fee of $600. A similar on-going support service is offered after the Premium Program ends. Ask for details.
This program includes a series of counseling sessions that start with basic lifestyle education, training and living adjustments. You will learn how to actually LIVE a healthier lifestyle, purging the bad and embracing the excellent. At the end our this program, you will not only be living a healthier lifestyle but may indeed loose significant weight, re-align your energy levels, improve your blood work (lower cholesterol, blood pressure and lower triglycerides).
You will learn healthily living practices that will last the rest of your life. You should have more energy, better mental acuity, and in general, be a happier, healthier person.
Time & Costs
Unfortunately, working to reverse an established disease is much more difficult that preventing it. That being said, it IS possible. We can work with your physician to develop a Health Restoration program that will support whatever treatment protocol you have chosen to undertake. If you decide to focus mostly on nutrition and a Whole Food Plant Based Lifestyle, that is fine too; but either choice involves more time, effort and dedication.